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Category Archives: A Day in our life


{Shot with Canon 5D, Mark II ~ Canon 50 1.2, 100 ISO, 2.5, 500}


{Shot with Canon 5D, Mark II ~ Canon 50 1.2, 100 ISO, 4.5, 160}

©Valerie Quinn Photography 2015

Copying, cropping, altering images, and removing watermark is against Federal Copyright Laws.

5/52 ~ M4H Project 52 {Small}

Our boys are growing so quickly but each morning and night I am reminded of how small they still are.  Here is Liam jumping up to turn the sink on so he can brush his teeth.SmallFE-1

©Valerie Quinn Photography 2015

Copying, cropping, altering images, and removing watermark is against Federal Copyright Laws.

So this year I decided to try a 365 project.  I have seen many people participate in these projects year after year and all I could think was, wow, I could never keep up with taking a photo every single day for a year!  I can barely keep up with the everyday tasks of our growing family.  This year I saw that Sarah Cornish of My Four Hens was beginning this project and since I have participated in her Project 52, I thought I would check it out.  This 365 project is taken with your camera phone.  For me, this made it doable!  A simple snap of every day life with my camera phone, post to instagram with a couple words and that’s it.  Totally doable!  I am 21 days in and proud to be keeping up so far!  I honestly can’t wait to see all of the photos by the end of the year and better yet, to look back at these every day photos in years to come and remember just how life was for us in this moment in time.  This project is not just for photographers, anyone can participate!  To join in, check out “Document Our Days, Project 365” at the following link:

I have a Samsung Galaxy 4.  I mostly edit with the VSCO app, and sometimes Afterlight,  After the edit, I will sometimes use the SquareDroid app to keep the photo in full size rather then cropping it into a square.

You can keep up with me on Instagram here:

I will leave you with yesterday’s post!

“Aidan isn’t usually a gamer.  He is our busy one.  Always on the go.  On rare occasions when there are no sports or friends to play with, he hops on his PlayStation to pass the time….”


©Valerie Quinn Photography 2015

Copying, cropping, altering images, and removing watermark is against Federal Copyright Laws.


S u b s c r i b e   b y   E m a i l
P u r c h a s e   P r i n t s
I n s t a g r a m
F l i c k r   a n d   5 0 0 p x